Terms and Conditions
Policyholder: any individual between the ages 18 – 75 years, who is allowed to participate in the policy, in terms of the
eligibility conditions as stated in the Policy Document. A Policyholder may not be older than the maximum entry age of 75
years. A Policyholder must live in South Africa. If the policyholder is a foreign national he/she must have a valid passport and
work permit
Dependents: means a Spouse, Children, Extended Family and other Child, where applicable.
Spouse: a person married to the Policyholder by law or tribal custom, which shall include a Common Law Spouse
Common Law Spouse: a person who is deemed by Atlehang, at its sole discretion, to be a spouse, considering the
circumstances of each case, and shall include, where applicable, customary marriages, civil partners or life partners.
Child: an unmarried child of the Policyholder, younger than age 21 years, including a stepchild, posthumous child, an
illegitimate child, a legally adopted child or a stillborn child (must be stillborn from the 26th week of pregnancy). Only 2
stillbirth claims will be accepted per family during the term of the Policy. Cover for Children is extended to under age 25
years if the Child is a full-time student at a recognized educational institution. This does not include part-time and
correspondence students. Children who are mentally disabled or totally and permanently disabled before age 21 years, who
are unable to care for themselves, are covered until cover for the Policyholder ends. Details of a new born child must be
submitted to Atlehang within 3 Months of birth. Details of any children of a Common Law Spouse, illegitimate child and
stepchild must be supplied to Atlehang at the time that the Policyholder takes up a policy, as failure to provide this, may
result in a repudiation of the claim by Atlehang.
Other Child: A child who is 18 years or younger and does not qualify to be a Child but is financially dependent on the
Policyholder in the event of their death. Up to 4 Other Children may be covered.
Extended Family: Family members, who are dependent on the Policyholder for financial assistance in the event of their
death, may be covered. These include parents, parents-in-law, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces,
grandparents, and children of the Policyholder who are age 21 years and older.